Easy to read, thick-but-well-structured book that outlines key concepts related to the topic of the diffusion of innovations. These include elements of diffusion, a history of diffusion research, contributions and criticisms of diffusion research, the generation of innovations, the innovation-decision process, attributes of innovations and their rate of adoption, innovativeness and adopter categories, diffusion networks, the change agent, innovation in organization, and consequences of innovations.
The text attempts to pull in concepts and research from a number of different research traditions, including anthropology, sociology, education, public health, communication, marketing, and geography. This book, originally published in 1962, attempts to be the definitive textbook on the diffusion of innovations and is widely cited.
Diffusion Of Innovations, 5th Edition Book Pdf
The diffusion of innovations provides a framework to engage in change, but the healthcare team still need to mindful to avoid bad innovations, especially wasting valuable time and resources (#culture). The innovation and change management perspective and the view of the early adopters and change agents can assist in developing ideas. Client orientated innovations must be considered, which links with human centred design philosophy. I was informed that this book would change my perspective on so many things and by page 10 I was hooked on the change process, the use of stories are used effectively to convey the important messages.
Rogers's diffusion work illustrates a number of basic factors that go beyond simple product marketing techniques, and are required to facilitate true change in education. Innovators would be wise to understand and position their products with these factors in mind. His classic book Diffusion of Innovations provides more details and is a good guide to making things that people will want to use in the modern era. 2ff7e9595c